Friday, May 27, 2011

Bedtime for Luke

"Was Mom alive when you won your Basketball Championship?"

"Luke...that was last year.  Of course she was alive.  Mom died three months ago."

"How many years was Mom alive?"


"and a half?"

"and a half."

"Mom wasn't here for my birthday."

"Mom wasn't here to discover Perler Beads."

"Mom wasn't here to discover Friv."

"Was Mom here to discover Ninjago?"

"I don't know...I can't remember."

"I can't remember either."

"Luke...are you okay?"

"I'm just thinking about Mom."

"Me too."


  1. That is about how my night went...

    "Mom who is going to dance with me for the Daddy Daughter dance at my wedding?"

    I really dislike this new life we are stuck with...

  2. So many questions they (and you) must have, ones that don't have an easy answer. I'm sorry.
