Sometimes with me...
Sometimes near me...
Sometimes behind me...
Sometimes in the distance...
But I have great ears.
At soccer games...
At the store...
At work...
On my driveway...
I hear voices consumed with details.
Small worries...
Small concerns...
And small problems...
That could be...
And should be...
Easily dismissed...
Easily ignored...
Or easily fixed...
Six months ago I was part of that anxiety trap...
Complaining about whatever turned over my apple cart.
I didn't know any better...
I was naive about anguish...
I was ignorant about pain...
But my life has changed...
My perspective has shifted...
Tragedy has a way of doing that...
No longer is my mind fragmented...
With thousands of small concerns.
My head has split into three...The Boys...Susan...and Me...
Perhaps that's how it should have been all along.
Did I squander away my life before with details?
Concerns that never materialized?
Worries that never came to fruition?
Thoughts that had no impact on my life?
Now all I think about...
All I can think about...
Is how to help my boys...
How to keep Susan in our minds...
And how to be the person I want to be...
All of those questions are layered...
But my objective has narrowed...
I simply can't exhaust myself with triviality...
Insignificant details hold no weight...
My life is already too heavy.